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Retired Army Master Sergeant, 35 years, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You may never need to cook in combat, You may never even be in combat.  You may never even need to cook period.   But for those of you who would like to know some Tips and Tricks about cooking Fast and Easy, for a squad of 12 "Soldiers" or less, with Limited Resources Available, this may just be helpful to you.


or      http://www.thecombatchef.com/

As most of you know, my Cooking career began while I was on tour in Afghanistan, and a lot of you contribuited significantly to my cause, sending me whatever you could.  I have been a great purveyor of culinary delights since my early childhood and with my adventerous world travels, I think I have eaten just about everything.  Actually, I may have eaten "everything",  but my friends were too scared to tell me what I was really eating at the time.

Where to start ?  That depends on you and where you happen to be at the time.   I started in a foreign country, with a handful of friends an empty stomach and a knife.  I didn't have the convience of a real live kitchen, just a plywood shack.   And I started with the usual bare bones necessities, a hot plate, a toaster oven and one of those small $60 discount store Refrigerators.  I was fortunate to have contacts back home that could mail me basic need items, like a small cast Iron Skillet and such.  Although, I don't recommend you wait 3-5 weeks for some ketchup or spices.    

I had no sink, no runing water, just a few hungry guys and a desire to fix some meals that would bring memories of home a little closer, and it would have to be accomplished during times when we were Not having an enemy Rocket Attack.

So now that you are getting the picture, I will update this blog as often as time permits, bringing you some really great recipes, that were easy for me to fix, yet awesome tasting, and while under the most adverse of conditions.  So, You should be able to breeze through this stuff in the convenience of your own kitchen, with little or no trouble at all. 

You'll need at least 3 good knives in order to cook well.  A Chopper, A Slicer, and A Paring, Knife.  There are lots more out there, but if you are being shot at, 3 are plenty.  I was very fortunate that my 12 friends were my newly appointed "Scavengers".  These guys would bring in evertything except the General's Cook Top !  I soon learned not to ask where "donated" items came from, rather just take what they brought, and hide it as quickly as I could until I could make a meal out of it later. 

I was extremely fortunate to get a 12 inch square 1 inch thick slab of Marble !  It was the best cutting block and countertop I have ever used !    I really miss that thing !  It was Awesome !

But let's get on with the cooking.  My First "Combat Recipe" is Mike's own "Peach Cobbler"
and I'll get that posted next time I update, so be sure to watch for it.  A real Fast and Easy Peach Cobbler that will knock your taste buds clear into the next zip code !

And, a "Secret" Ingredient Recipe for Deviled Eggs (Dressed Eggs if you are East of Mason-Dixon Line) that will gay-Run-Tee you to make new friends you never had before !

Also, I will be bringing you "Sister Shirley's Knock-em'-Dead Sugar Coma" Cinnamon Roll and Icing Recipe.

If you have comments: Just e-mail me at:   theinfideldog@gmail.com

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